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lateral thinking

美 [ˌlætərəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ]英 [ˌlætərəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ]
  • n.水平思考,横向思维(即用想象力寻求解决问题的新方法)
lateral thinkinglateral thinking


a way of solving problems by using your imagination to find new ways of looking at the problem

lateral thinking


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 横向思维;水平思考
    Lateral thinking is a method of solving problems by using your imagination to help you think of solutions that are not obvious at first.


a heuristic for solving problems;you try to look at the problem from many angles instead of tackling it head-on


  1. CONCLUSION : Longitudinal thinking as well as lateral thinking processes are different between persons .


  2. Lateral thinking involves moving sideways to look at things in a different way .


  3. This paper also introduces the basic characteristics of lateral thinking that is an effective method in first stage thinking .


  4. The section on lateral thinking is both fun and frustrating .


  5. He believes in lateral thinking and applies management concepts to handle various delivery challenges .


  6. Give your poor old restricted brain a new lease of life with " lateral thinking " .


  7. I am a great believer in lateral thinking .


  8. This has produced some lateral thinking among employers still attached to traditional on-the-job training .


  9. Lateral thinking has helped him to advance his new theory which had seemed to reach a dead end .


  10. In an inspired piece of lateral thinking , they decided to look at how babies'names spread .


  11. Pop psychology sometimes associates creativity with right or forehead brain activity or even specifically with lateral thinking .


  12. Biomimetics : Lateral Thinking An artificial version of a fishy sense organ passes its first two tests


  13. Mr Schelling 's leaps of lateral thinking have been so spectacular that his colleagues sometimes thought he had lost his mind .


  14. Longitudinal thinking , lateral thinking , pluralistic thinking and creative thinking are all scientific . They are completely new thinking models in composing writings on economy .


  15. But these psychotic tendencies may actually help promote lateral thinking and an ability to connect far-fetched ideas to come up with comical conclusions .


  16. Lateral thinking is the classic innovation which is used for patriotic education . Lateral thinking has profound inspiration for the innovation of contents and the path of patriotic education .


  17. We need more initiatives that teach business skills , the importance of lateral thinking and logic & and , most importantly , that business done well should be fun and purposeful .


  18. According to the thinking course of solving problems , this paper discusses how to develop students ' mathematics thinking capacity from five aspects such as positive thinking , reverse thinking , lateral thinking , vertical thinking , and verifying thinking .


  19. In summary , while the obvious bargains have already been snapped up , with a bit of lateral thinking investors should still be able to glean attractive returns from emerging consumption growth for the foreseeable future .


  20. Unfortunately , judging from the contents page , it is already too late for him to do any fresh thinking : he has merely rehashed all his old stuff about lateral thinking and Six Thinking Hats .


  21. The book 's most useful features include A Field Guide to Devious Interview Questions , which divides questions into categories ( e.g. , classic logic puzzles , lateral thinking puzzles , insight questions , tests of divergent thinking , etc. ) , then offers strategies and tips for answering each type , it added .
